For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and be at school, on time, every day. Our aim is for all children to maintain an attendance percentage of 96% or above
Please click here for our Attendance Policy
Please click here for information about Penalty Notice Fines for School Absences
Attendance Officer
Our attendance officer will work with families to ensure all children can achieve a high level of attendance and punctuality.
If you wish to arrange an appointment with our attendance officer please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We understand that illness is sometimes unavoidable. Below is a link to the NHS website which gives advice on what to do and whether to send your child to school when they are unwell.
Medical and Dental Appointments
Please book all appointments outside of the school day. Where this is not possible absences will only be authorised if evidence of the appointment is provided.
Family Holidays
No absence for the purpose of a family holiday will be authorised during the school year.
Medicines in School
If your child has been prescribed medication by their doctor, please see the school office to sign a permission form. Do not hand any medications to class teachers or support staff.
Absence Reporting Procedures
If your child is ill it is important that you contact the school by Parentmail or phone by 9.00am on the morning of the absence to advise us. It is essential that you provide a reason. You must contact the school on every further day of absence, again before 9.00am. If your child is not well enough to return to school on the fourth day, you must provide medical evidence. It is important that your child returns to school as soon as possible.
Accidents and Emergencies
When your child is admitted to Humberstone Infant Academy, we ask you to fill in a form which includes essential details, contact phone numbers and email addresses. We also ask for special medical details and an alternative contact if you are unavailable.
Please keep us informed of any changes to telephone numbers and addresses. They may be needed in an emergency.
If your child is ill, we will inform you and ask you to collect them. In the case of an accident the same procedure will be followed. If you are unavailable, we will take appropriate action to safeguard your children.